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Project Overview

UX Research
Product Strategy
Information Architecture
The project entails creating a white-labeled SAAS platform, Wayble, designed for higher education institutes. Wayble serves as a global hub, connecting students, employers, and institutions to unlock opportunities worldwide. It facilitates transformative journeys for students, supports institutions with success metrics, and provides employers access to a diverse talent pool.

In compliance with the project's confidentiality under an NDA, specific details of the work undertaken cannot be disclosed. However, this case study will focus on the methodologies & approaches utilized during the project duration. To know more, please connect with me here.

Project Breakdown

Position Held

Lead Product Designer for Higher Education Portal

Tools Used


Project Timeline

I had the opportunity to contribute and lead in different phases of the startup.

  • Research & Ideation: Carried out research which lead to product strategy, roadmap & backlog based on the product vision.
  • Product Design: Creating the information architecture, wireframes, mock-ups and prototypes for feedback.
  • Development and Iteration: Includes handover process, design specifications product walkthroughs.

Product Vision

Wayble is a pioneering platform that unites students, employers, and academic institutions worldwide, fostering innovation, resilience, and diversity to unlock endless opportunities. Through transformative pathways for international students, support for higher education institutions, and access to diverse talent for employers, Wayble revolutionizes the landscape of global student success.


The SAAS platform has multiple users which interact with each other to assist students throughout their academic and post-academic journeys.

Higher-ed Admins

Higher-education institute admins can add jobs from institute and their partners. They also have access to add resources and manage students from their institutes.


Employers can post jobs on the Wayble platform. They can also view and target students from specific programs and invite them to apply to their jobs.

Job seekers

Students from partner institutes get exclusive access to institutes resources. They can also apply to jobs, book meetings & access the community forums.


Advisors from higher-education institutes can manage students, invite them to apply to jobs, book and hold meetings with the them guiding them through the journey.


Wayble offers a unique opportunity for students to interact with mentors from their institutes or industry professionals through the platform for guidance and job market insights.

Wayble Admin

They have the master access to the platform along with the ability to manage higher-ed institute accounts, post jobs, manage mentors, post jobs, add additional resources for students.  

Process Highlights

Since the work done during this project is under an NDA, I will be sharing some individual highlights about the process and the work, I undertook during my time with the startup.

Research & Ideation Phase

In the research and ideation phase, we explored the intricate processes of research, service mapping, and product strategy.


The research phase encompassed both quantitative and qualitative methodologies, engaging all stakeholders within the higher-education ecosystem, including students, employers, institution staff, advisors, mentors, and more.


Service Mapping

The next phase involved service mapping the entire ecosystem to gain a comprehensive understanding and identify unique use cases for the product. This process also provided insights into how various stakeholders would interact with each other on the platform.


Product Strategy

After establishing the service map, the subsequent phase involved crafting the product vision and strategy. This included identification of features that aligned with our business goals and stakeholder needs for long-term alignment of design & development objectives.

Product Roadmap and Backlog

  • After the product strategy development, the following step was to create a realistic roadmap for the launch of the platform. This included meetings with both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Next step was to create a prioritized product backlog from the features and the roadmap. Complex features were further broken into user stories and tasks.
  • These features were then taken up in various sprints and product releases.
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The Design Phase

  • The first step was to create the information architecture and map the user journey through the platform.
  • Followed by the information architecture, low-fidelity wireframes were created.
  • Keeping things agile we wanted to capture feedback from the stakeholders early, so mid-fidelity wireframes were created and then prototyped at an early stage.
  • Hi-fidelity mockups were also created to get the fit and feel of the final product before development.

Prototyping and Feedback

  • As mentioned earlier, feedback played an important role in design and development of the platform.
  • Prototypes were created for each persona to capture maximum feedback from all users.
  • Feedback was incorporated throughout the whole process to better align the platform with the business and user needs.
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Handover of Design

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After each sprint and iteration, product reviews were undertaken with the CEO and CTO to ensure alignment with the business goals and product vision.

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Multiple handover meetings were held with the CTO and the development team with the help of walkthroughs, prototypes, user flows, design assets, and mockups.

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After a handover meeting, a cross-functional communication channel was maintained with the development team for changes, feedbacks & queries.

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